The Kakoschke boys ran in their first state title which they really enjoyed holding their own and theircars coming home with minimal damage. With none of it there own fault they drove really well, and their parents were very proud of how they handled it so with Bailey running a 6th, 8th, 9th in the heats & 12th in the B-main. Well done. Reece with 7th, 9th, DNS due to a broken ball joint & Reece bad luck in finals continues.
Through no fault of his own three sports sedan’s races, he hasn’t finished the final yet. Will get you there next time mate keep driving the wheels off it! a DNF in the B-main when the power steering hose coming lose but most of all would like to thank everyone there that helped us out especially Aaron Meakins and his crew for working on Baileys car. Zac Leeson for lending us parts to get Reece back on the track the Ranga Darren Skilton for his words of wisdom, Russell Hill for his over the phone crewing Hollywood Coby Kakoschke, Chloe Kakoschke & Dale Kakoschke for swinging spanners on the cars Michael Humphreys & Judy, Scotty Mumbo Leanne Garner Ashlee Garner Brock Stephens & Lexie for making the trip out to watch the boys race. Prep has already started for the next meeting.
Rhys Meakins also had a shocking run at Rosedale for the Sports Sedan State Title. Three heats and 3 flat tyres, a bent diff and a ceased hub. So the car spent more time on the tow truck than on the track. So the car will be repaired and soon will be ready to go for the next meeting. Rhys is also heading off to Kingaroy this weekend in the DDA85 Modified Sedan to run in the Kings Royal. He will also be running in the Street Stocks at Kingaroy as well.
Speaking of Kingaroy we wish our Quarter Midget drivers who have made the trek up to Kingaroy to run the Junior Royal.
Arthur Hutchinson continues to turn heads in the DDA85 Lancer. He went to Simpson for an invitation only junior event. In the heats Arthur had a 4th and a 1st. This put him off of pole for the final. After some great battles for the lead, Arthur came home with the feature win. Well done Arthur.
On Wednesday night the Street Stocks had a run at Avalon. Tim Hutchinson was running a solid 3rd until a coming together with another car ended up with a touch in the wall. Tim came home in 5th in the final.
Ashley Fox came home in 17th position after a fighting a difficult track through the night.
Several members also had a run at Redline on Australia Day.
As always. I can only work on the information I see or have been provided. If I have missed you, please send through your results and I’ll get them included in the next edition.